“Be whom you were meant to be and you shall set the whole world on fire.”
St. Catherine of Siena
Tyburn Academy of Mary Immaculate, in collaboration with parents as primary educators, inspires students to contemplate truth through the classical liberal arts and sciences. Animated by the teachings of Jesus Christ, Tyburn Academy cultivates the formation and dignity of the entire human person – mind, body, and spirit – to instill a love of learning and an appreciation for goodness and beauty. Tyburn Academy fosters a community rich in the Gospel spirit of service and charity, providing students with the opportunity to grow into all that God has destined and designed for them.
Philosophy of Education
We believe that the most important mission we have is to know, love, and serve Christ through the education of our students.
We believe that parents are the primary educators of their children and that our role is to help in fostering the intellectual, spiritual, and moral development of each child as an individual.
We believe in creating an environment based on respect for each individual as a child of God; where students, teachers, and parents can cultivate their life-long desire for learning.
We believe that the role of the teacher is to be a model of virtue and learning whose main objective is to engage the students by facilitating conversation in a structured classroom environment allowing students to discover what is true and then form the arguments to defend it.
We believe that a curriculum rich in Classic Literature and Classic Language, Theology and Philosophy, Fine Arts and Sciences, Music and History, combined with Regents and College Advantage courses, gives our students the greatest opportunity to discover and succeed in following the path that God has set for them.
We believe that by promoting the highest ideals of scholarship, citizenship, sportsmanship, integrity, and moral development we are providing our students with a priceless and unparalleled education that will last a lifetime.
Tyburn Academy offers a college preparatory curriculum rooted in the classical liberal arts, and math and sciences, which allows each student to excel at a level supporting his or her academic abilities. We provide a rigorous course of studies where students can experience the joy of learning and the reward of perseverance. We welcome all students regardless of their academic needs that are willing to take responsibility for their learning and whose parental support reinforces the goals and virtues taught in the classroom. Our classrooms are a familial place where each student is known by his or her peers and teachers. Our ultimate goal is to develop in each student the life abilities for critical thinking, effective communication, academic & social leadership, spiritual growth and self confidence to succeed in their vocations and college and career choices.
In addition to the standards set by the state of New York for each subject we offer CCC credit, honors and Franciscan University of Stubenville college courses. All students are also required to take courses in Theology, Latin, Logic, Philosophy, Art and Music/Choir.
Veritas Liberabit Vos
The Truth Will Set You Free