Welcome to Tyburn Academy

Academic Excellence in the Catholic Tradition

Tyburn Academy of Mary Immaculate is an independent Catholic Jr./Sr. High School in Auburn, NY serving grades 7-12. We believe that young men and women have a natural capacity and desire for seeking truth through intellectual and spiritual growth. Our students learn to read well, write well, and communicate well. 

Students at various academic levels are offered rigorous college preparatory classes and moral formation built on virtue which prepare them for higher education and career choices.

Our learning community is built on a Christian way of life illuminated by faith and honoring the dignity of all persons. Strengthened by a rich history of education in the Auburn Catholic community, our students know that they are supported, encouraged, and loved in all their learning. This witness of unity inspires our students to give back in service and leadership.

Open House Feb. 3rd & Student Shadow Day Feb 6th, 2025!

Tyburn Academy is your premier choice for education in the Finger Lakes Region. Come meet our faculty and students to see the impact classical education has on the formation of a student, and how prepartion for their success begins today.

What People Are Saying

Although we are not Catholic, we have been welcomed in by the administration and my son is receiving an excellent education. Tyburn teaches the same Judeo-Christian values my family holds dear and expects the students to show respect to their elders and acceptance for their peers.
— Tyburn Parent
We chose to move our son from a public school due to behavioral changes that we began to notice. In the short time he has attended this school, his behavior and respect for not only himself, but for others has improved immensely!
— Tyburn Parent
I was very impressed with your strong academic background.
— Clarkson University Admissions
It is such a comfort to know that the place where my children spend most of their time is working with me. What is being taught at home is not contradicted at school.
— Tyburn Parent